Collaborations & Partnerships
The Collaborations & Partnerships Core fosters partnerships across the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) health sciences and with institutional partners, including RCMI sites via RTRN, resulting in cross-discipline and multi-professional projects between UHM academic investigators and community investigators and organizations. The Core houses the Navigator Program that improves access, tracking, and linkages of the Community of Investigators to RMATRIX-II resources.
Seto, Todd MD
Associate Program Director, RMATRIX
Core Director - Collaborations and Partnerships
Core Co-Director - Clinical Research Resources & Facilities
HEALTH Initiative Leader - Cardiovascular
RMATRIX Scientific Subcommittee
Associate Professor, Department of Medicine 808.585.5439
Supported by a grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (U54MD007584), National Institutes of Health.