Community-Based Research


Father, Child and Physician

The Community-Based Research Core focuses primarily on T3-T4 translational research, supporting community-campus research teams to conduct studies that respond to community-identified research issues, build community and investigator capacity in research, assure that relevant discoveries and innovations are communicated back to the community, and increase community trust in research. The Community-Based Research Core promotes research in Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino communities that meets these characteristics:

  1. the research emphasizes local relevance, i.e., the research focus comes from the community or is both of interest and relevance to the community;
  2. the research processes and any interventions tested build on community strengths and resources;
  3. the research facilitates partnerships between the community and the university;
  4. community members are engaged as investigators as well as participants; and
  5. the research is planned, implemented, and reported in ways that promote co-learning and capacity building.

Core leaders include JoAnn Tsark MPH, Kathryn L. Braun DrPH and J. Keawe Kaholokula PhD.

Braun, Kathryn DrPH

Core Co-Director - Community-Based Research
Professor of Public Health and Social Work
Chair, DrPH Program
John A. Burns School of Medicine


Kaholokula, Joseph Keawe'aimoku PhD

Core Co-Director - Community-Based Research
HEALTH Initiative Leader - Nutrition & Metabolic
Chair, Department of Native Hawaiian Health
John A Burns School of Medicine


Tsark, JoAnn MPH

Core Co-Director - Community-Based Research
Director, Native Hawaiian Research Office
Papa Ola Lokahi


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Seminars & Events
18 October 2018, 11:00am - 2:00pm:
Data Security & Privacy
06 September 2018, 11:30am - 1:00pm:
Ola HAWAII Forum - Brown Bag Session
18 April 2018, 8am:

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Supported by a grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (U54MD007584), National Institutes of Health.