RCTR Centers
The RCMI Infrastructure for Clinical and Translational Research (RCTR) awards support the development of infrastructure required for the conduct of clinical and translational research in institutions funded via the Research Centers in Minority Institutions (RCMI) program. Visit the RCMI Website for more information. There are currently 5 RCTR-Centers across the country.
University of HawaiiRCMI Multidisciplinary And Translational Research Infrastructure eXpansion (RMATRIX)
Website: http://rmatrix.jabsom.hawaii.edu
Charles Drew UniversityAccelerating Excellence in Science (AXIS)
Website: http://www.drew-axis.org
Meharry Medical CollegeMeharry Clinical and Translational Research Center (MeTRC)
Website: http://metrc.mmc.edu
Morehouse School of MedicineRCMI Center of Excellence for Clinical and Translational Research (RCTR)
Website: http://www.msm.edu
University of Puerto RicoPuerto Rico Clinical and Translational Research Consortium (PRCTRC)
Website: http://prctrc.rcm.upr.edu