The John A. Burns School of Medicine is one of five U.S. academic institutions funded through the National Institutes of Health's Research Centers in Minority Institutions. That's the "R." MATRIX stands for Multidisciplinary And Translational Research Infrastructure EXpansion. Translational research rapidly transfers research findings to treatment settings to benefit patients. Dr. Jerris Hedges, Dean of the John A. Burns School of Medicine and lead investigator for the grant, said it builds upon years of successful research at the medical school by scientists in its Department of Native Hawaiian Health and numerous other departments and centers.

The RMATRIX grant is evaluated using logic models that outline our specific aims, the metrics that are used to evaluate progress and performance, and the desired outcomes. Shown below are the Overall Logic Model and the Approach & Governance Logic Model. Logic models for the individual Key Functions can be found on their respective pages. A list of all logic models is included on the Eavaluation Milestones page.

RMATRIX Overall Logic Model

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Approach & Governance Logic Model

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18 October 2018, 11:00am - 2:00pm:
Data Security & Privacy
06 September 2018, 11:30am - 1:00pm:
Ola HAWAII Forum - Brown Bag Session
18 April 2018, 8am:

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Supported by a grant from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (U54MD007584), National Institutes of Health.