Glossary of Terms & Acronyms
Collaborations and Partnerships: Building on the collaboration definition above, for purposes of the RMATRIX grant, a partnership typically occurs at the institutional level and can be defined as a "formal" partnership with two or more institutions, organizations, or agencies (academic and non-academic organizations) working together toward a shared goal. Examples of a "formal" partnership include a developed Memorandum of Understanding or Agreement, contract or other agreement between institutions, organizations, or agencies.
Community Engaged Research (CEnR):
Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR):
Cultural and Linguistic Competency:
Health Disparate Population (Priority Populations): RMATRIX resource priority is provided to health disparity studies that address Native Hawaiians, especially those living on or seeking care on the island of Oahu. Pacific Islanders (e.g., Samoan, Tongan, Chuukese, and Marshallese) share many of the same adverse health outcomes as Native Hawaiians and thus serve as a secondary population priority. Additionally, because health disparities among Filipinos more closely resemble those of Native Hawaiians than Asians, we have included Filipinos in the Other Pacific Islander population. This grouping is consistent with approach taken by the Center for Native and Pacific Health Disparities Research (CNPHDR) at the University of Hawaii. Other health disparate populations are incorporated within RMATRIX projects where they strengthen the science of the project or where they foster development of health disparities infrastructure and partnerships that will benefit the Priority Populations in subsequent studies. For more information about translational research, see our page entitled About Translational Research
HEALTH Initiatives: It should be emphasized that the investigators must achieve a balance in this application of a specific health focus, as the broader goal of RMATRIX is to develop overall health disparities research infrastructure (including the training of scientists) at UH and not specifically to reduce health disparities in these two disease focus areas. Indeed, given the great need for health disparities researchers in Hawaii, collaboration and synergy across several disease focus areas is an essential strategy for developing a critical mass of investigators.
Pilot Project Investigator:
Priority Communities: Hence, the community primarily served specifically by RMATRIX is the community of investigators who either are currently performing health disparities research in conjunction with the Priority Populations -- whether within the Priority Population neighborhoods (e.g., CNPHDR), through hospital and clinic partnerships, or via analysis of existing data sets and repository materials. A specific goal of RMATRIX is to develop a critical mass of health disparities scientists, mentors, and collaborators/partners in Hawaii across these venues. Many of the investigators are internal to UH and affiliated with other infrastructure grants (e.g., BRIDGES, INBRE, COBREs, SNRP, etc.) or represent (external to UH) community hospital or community health center based investigators. It is this diverse, but similarly committed community of investigators to which RMATRIX resources are applied.
Translational Science:
First, basic science research must be translated to humans (the
so-called T1 translation), and then secondarily translated into clinical
practice (T2 translation) ( Further work
has demonstrated that in fact this second phase of translation includes
two separate steps, first knowledge from T1 translational studies must be
translated to patients (T2), and then we must translate our knowledge into
actual clinical practice (T3 translation) (Westfall et al. 2007)... Merely
translating findings to the actual bedside, however, is not enough. Moving
scientific knowledge into the public sector and thereby changing people's
everyday lives represents a major challenge (T4).
Thus, translational research is the process by which research findings are moved from the scientist's bench to the patient's bedside and on into community. Translational research is bidirectional in that observations in the community and at the bedside also inform the scientist at the bench and in the clinic. Under this paradigm, T1 research, including phase 1 and 2 clinical trials, translates basic science research knowledge to humans. T2 research translates knowledge gained from observational and phase 3 clinical trials to patients, and T3 research extends this knowledge into actual clinical practice. T4 translation is particularly relevant for knowledge that needs to be disseminated and applied to the general population. For example, interventions that reduce smoking and obesity rates may be effectively integrated into clinical practice through T3 research, but may dramatically improve public health when translated more broadly to the community through T4 research often involving the social sciences. The RMATRIX grant interfaces with other infrastructure grants to facilitate translational research at UH and into the community. RMATRIX enhances T1 translational research by support of basic science investigators affiliated with BRIDGES, INBRE, COBREs, SNRP, etc. as they interface with clinical researchers (e.g., pilot project support, mentoring, and KF services to facilitate clinical research). RMATRIX enhances T2/T3 translational research by mentoring/educating clinical researchers and by providing KF services to investigators working with RMATRIX priority populations on health disparities translational research (e.g., CNPHDR and community health centers). RMATRIX enhances T4 translational research by working with population scientists and supporting grass-roots investigator infrastructure needs, especially by those investigators directly working with the RMATRIX priority populations on health disparities translational research.
1 These terms supersede any prior correspondence related to RMATRIX terms or focus. References Frey, B B, Lohmeier, J H, Lee, S W, & Tollefson, N. Measuring collaboration among grant partners. 2006. American Journal of Evaluation, 27(3), 383-392. Israel B, et al. Review of community-based research: Assessing partnership approaches to improve public health. 1998. Annual Review of Public Health, 1998(19):173.202. Kon. The Clinical and Translation Science Award (CTSA) Consortium and the Translational Research Model. 2008. Am J Bioeth, 8(3):58. Perkins, T. Comprehensive community initiatives (CCI): A comparison of community implementation plans. May, 2002. University of Nebraska Public Policy Center, Lincoln, NE. PDF Document. Acronyms
BRIDGES = (G12) Bioscience Research Infrastructure Development for Grant Enhancement and Success |
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